Our Services


Quality, Health, Safety & Environment (QHSE)At Taknia Libya Engineering Company (TLEC), our priority is to protect people and the environment.
Our commitment to quality, health, safety, and the environment is encapsulated in our QHSE policy, which guides our daily operations and provides a benchmark for continuous improvement.
Corporate Integrated Management System (CIMS)
The Corporate Integrated Management System (CIMS) is our Core tool for managing and enhancing our QHSE performance. It ensures we achieve our QHSE objectives and targets, demonstrating our excellence through compliance with international standards (ISO).
Leadership and Accountability
Leadership and personal accountability are crucial to our QHSE approach. We establish clear lines of responsibility at all levels and appoint qualified QHSE experts to provide guidance and support.
Our QHSE department oversees ongoing improvement and monitors performance across all activities.
QHSE in Key Areas:
Engineering and Design
We incorporate robust QHSE processes and state-of-the-art technology in engineering and design to meet the highest standards.
Procurement and Construction Sites
At procurement and construction sites, we implement stringent QHSE measures to ensure safety and environmental responsibility.
Oil and Gas Operating and Production Sites
Our QHSE standards at oil and gas sites focus on preventing incidents and ensuring safe and responsible operations.
QHSE Management System:
ISO Certification:
We maintain certifications according to international standards to demonstrate our operational excellence:
• ISO 9001: Quality Management. (New Certificate attached)
• ISO 45001: Occupational Health & Safety Management. (In progress)
• ISO 14001: Environmental Management. (In progress)
Our policies cover various aspects of QHSE, including environmental and ICT policies, ensuring comprehensive governance and compliance:
• Quality policy.
• HSE policy.
• ICT policy.
QHSE at Construction Sites:
Quality, health, safety, and the environment are integral to our construction, commissioning, and start-up phases. We collaborate closely with clients, contractors, and suppliers to achieve:
• Zero incidents.
• Safe, secure, and healthy working conditions.
• High-quality and environmentally responsible products and services.
• Responsible use of natural resources.
Our Corporate Integrated Management System provides tools for planning, monitoring, and improving QHSE performance at construction sites.

QHSE Services:
Taknia’s field of activities include the QHSE group that provides specialized services tailored to meet the needs of both Taknia and our clients. Our focus is on delivering services that ensure a safe work environment for employees, contractors, and customers while maintaining an environment that can be enjoyed by the community.
Integrated Management Systems Services
We offer Integrated Management Systems as part of project organization or as consultancy services to ensure:
• Ensure the Compliance to the international standards requirements related to Integrated Management Systems.
• The Identification and development of Management Systems processes.
• Design and implement customized (Integrated Management Systems) IMS.
• Providing Continuous improvement programs to maintain IMS efficiency and effectiveness.
• IMS documentation development.
• Audit preparation for IMS External Audit and Certification.
• Training.
HSE Services
We believe all accidents are preventable with an effective management system. Our HSE services help clients provide safe environments and maintain community-friendly operations. Services include:
• Risk Assessment.
• Hazard Analysis (HazAn).
• Loss Prevention.
• Accident Investigation.
• QHSE Audits and Inspections.
• QHSE Training.
• Environmental Impact Assessment.
Satisfying customer needs has top priority in TLEC, we are dedicated to excellence in QHSE, ensuring safety, quality, and environmental stewardship in every project we undertake.

Our Services

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