Pre-Qualification invitation for international Health Care (Third Payment Assistance) Services Companies.
TAKNIA LIBYA ENGINEERING COMPANY (TLEC) is inviting all international Specialists Companies in the
field of (TPA) Health Care Coverage Services to submit to TLEC their below required pre-qualification
documents for the evaluation & assessments in order to be qualified to be called at later stage & participate in
the upcoming Tender.
The Required Service:
Worldwide Health Care (Third Party Assistance) Coverage Services for (TLEC) Expatriates and Libyan
Employees outside Libya.
Required Documents & Certificates:
1- Official Authorization Memorandum addressed to the Tendering & Purchasing Committee stating
the willingness in participation & the name of the authorized person to deliver & receive the required
documents & the address of the company main office & its branches.
2- Legal Documents (work permit-Commercial Register-Commercial Chamber Registration-Tax Authority Certificate).
3- Company Organization Chart.
4- Financial Status for the period of the last three years.
5- References.
All mentioned documents would be delivered during the working hours via e-mail address
Attention of the secretary of the Tendering & Purchasing Committee Mr. Alhodairy or in sealed envelope
addressed to the Secretary of Tendering & Purchasing Committee in TLEC main office at 167 Al-Nasir St.
Tripoli-Libya before the end of the working hours of 10/04/2022
Please Note: –
- That Pre-Qualification lnvitation Doesn’t considered as Tender lnvitation request.
- TLEC would only accept to deal with the official authorized persons.
- TLEC has the right to reject, avoid & exclude any particpant’s file without providing any reason or justification.